Adler Guerrier has an edition printed by Turn-Based Press on view as part of his installation for the booth for Marisa Newman Projects at Volta NY from March 5 – 8, 2015.  The edition is in the form of a triptych, with the three prints each having a run of polyester plate lithography and a run of screenprinting.

Adler Guerrier at Volta NYC 2015, Marisa Newman ProjectsAdler Guerrier at Volta NYC 2015, Marisa Newman Projects

Adler Guerrier at Volta NYC 2015, Marisa Newman Projects

Adler Guerrier at Volta NYC 2015, Marisa Newman Projects

Guerrier’s artwork is among a select group of featured artists from the Caribbean who were highlighted by this year’s curator, Amanda Coulson, head of the National Art Gallery of the Bahamas.

The edition was printed by Kathleen Hudspeth; more information about the process is available at her website.

Some of Steven Appleby‘s illustrations for The Good Inn were translated into both Pronto Plate Lithography and Screenprinting. See them in person on Friday, May 2 at Turn-Based Press. 100 NE 11th ST, Miami, FL, 33132.

A Map from Here to the End, screenprint from an Illustration by

Curtains, Screenprint from an Illustration by Steven Appleby for

Pronto Plate prints of an illustration by Steven Appleby, printe

Right Way Up  (Pronto Plate edition) from The good Inn, by Black

The Good Inn edition