Downtown ArtHouse and Turn-Based Press

We’re happy to let you know that we’re moving into a great space in Downtown Miami! It’s the site of the old Captain Harry’s, beloved locale of fisherfolk and fans of fish-related murals, located at 100 NE 11th St. We’ve changed the mural, but insisted upon maintaining the iconic forms of the waves. The building is split into two wings, and we’ll be occupying the East side along with BFI, while Dimensions Variable and the TM Sisters will be sharing the West side.
Work has begun, and events will be underway for this ABMB season, though the Press itself likely won’t be operational until January. We’ll be keeping you appraised via various means, some of which are yet to come!
We’re still working on our website, so expect future changes.
Thanks again to the Miami Worldcenter and the DDA for all of their support and assistance in getting this project off the ground.